Farrukh Umarov has traveled a long and storied journey to becoming a founder at Lincoln Labs. He was an offshore developer that answered an online ad for programming services. This started over a decade ago and his family’s life changed forever. He quickly became a leader and over the years built an offshore development powerhouse of developers that delivered unprecedented value to the corporations they served.
Beyond the business metrics that demonstrated his business success most importantly Farrukh was a tireless advocate for his team members abroad. You see, building a culture of excellence and connecting people who are 10,000 miles a part is a bit of an art form. From hosting company retreats, sponsoring holiday celebrations and company swag shipments to organizing temp work visas and ultimately even green cards, Farrukh has always had his developers best interests in mind and in return his developers have worked exceptionally hard for their US based comrades.
Currently he drives technical strategy and engineering development for Lincoln Labs. He is responsible for defining the engineering consultancy vision, and overseeing our development resources and strategy for our clients.
Founder + CTO